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Worlds smallest baby
World's Smallest Baby
"The world's tiniest baby - meet the 10oz bundle of defiance"
Last updated at 23:35pm on 27th September 2007

When she was born, 15 weeks premature and weighing ten and a half ounces, her father's confidence was about the only thing on Kimberly Mueller's side.

In the few snatched moments he was allowed before his daughter was whisked away by doctors, Andreas Mueller spoke from his heart.

"I whispered to her: 'Kimberly, you'll make it,'" he recalled.

With a survival chance of less than 1,000 to one, every day she has got through since then is a triumph.

She was just 10.2 inches long and weighed little more than a packet of butter when she arrived in the 25th week of her mother's pregnancy.

Six months later, Kimberly has finally been allowed to go home to her parents in Hanover.
World's Smallest Baby
World's Smallest Baby
World's Smallest Baby
The size of a mobile phone: Kimberley Mueller weighed just over 10 ounces when she was born in Hanover, Germany - making her the world's smallest surviving baby
Kimberley's chances of living were rated at worse than 1,000-1 when she was born 15 weeks prematurely.
Now six months, Kimberley has been allowed home for the first time (Above with mother Petra and father Andreas).
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