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Bible Answer 202
Wicked Shepherds - The Official Site
2) FALSE - Hebrews 10:25 says no such thing! “Forsake not the assembling,” is the most popular verse used to defend this false teaching that is used by men in building their own kingdoms.  The verse says nothing about going to church; worship services; meetings, etc. The word “church” isn’t even in the passage!  It is nowhere to be found or even remotely alluded to!

When you read the verses preceding, it is crystal clear that the Spirit of God is not trying to get us to be more faithful to attend church services!  In fact, when this was written, Christians did not even have "church services" or even church buildings, for that matter.

Again, it is MEN who teach this policy of “going to church” because they want you there for them.  Notice how important “numbers” and “membership” are to the flesh.  The leaders of these groups will take all that you have, even your very soul itself if they can, and enlist your services to build up their works. 

Be not deceived.  See: "Forsake Not The Assembling"
Wicked Shepherds Wolf